About Us

We enable kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with life skills curriculum, we create learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids carry to everything they do.

First Tee – Cleveland is a Chapter of  First Tee, a national initiative begun in 1997. The Cleveland effort to establish a First Tee chapter began in 1999, with the formation of a board of directors. The chapter’s 501(c)(3) status has been secured. The Chapter was officially recognized by First Tee in the fall of 2000.

About Our Chapter: For more information about First Tee – Cleveland, click to view our Information Sheet.

We’ve Moved! Our new address is: 3883 Washington Park Blvd., Newburgh Heights, Ohio 44105

Involving Your Child: Please see the “Register” button on our home page to enroll your child.

National Support


U.S. corporations and the golf industry have banded together and given their unprecedented support to First Tee; nearly two dozen companies provide discounted goods and services to First Tee Chapters throughout the country, thereby lowering construction and operating costs. National youth service agencies such as the Police Athletic League, YMCA and the Boys and Girls Clubs have embraced the concept of First Tee and we are coordinating our programs.

Our Future Goals


First Tee – Cleveland represents a moral and long term commitment to the children of our city. While using recreation, it goes far beyond recreation. Throughout the program there is a seamless integration of life skills. Further, the operation of a golf course and a continuing collaborative relationship between the Cleveland Metroparks, the City of Cleveland and First Tee – Cleveland will provide additional skill training and employment opportunities. Children who have used the program successfully will be required to give back through their own volunteer efforts.

Our Progress


In the summer of 2003, First Tee – Cleveland secured approximately 60 acres of land at the Washington Park Horticultural Center on which to construct a 9-hole golf course, practice facility, educational center and clubhouse. The land was secured with the participation and cooperation of the Cleveland Municipal School District, the City of Cleveland and the Cleveland Metroparks. The golf course is operated by Cleveland Metroparks and the programming is under the direction of First Tee – Cleveland staff. Interestingly, the original plans for Washington Park included a golf course.